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Updated: Dec 8, 2021

Have you ever sat and watched a squirrel go from tree limb to tree limb and from tree to tree without reluctance? From our perspective the limb looks too weak or narrow to hold the squirrel. None the less, the squirrel continues to move forward, not thinking about the next step to take but instead continue to make their moves towards their destination. The reason they move as they do is because their instinct (faith) allows them to trust the next limb to be strong enough to hold their weight which is possible because the tree is rooted and the limb is extended to connect their path. Sometimes their path leads to the ground at the bottom of the tree, but the squirrel does not stay down on the ground for long. Before you know it, it is climbing up the side of the rooted tree (mountain), back on track to go from limb to limb and from tree to tree with their destination on their mind.

Just as squirrels, we should trust the path that God has for us. Sometimes, your limb (path) make shake or feel unsteady, but it can hold your weight (God will not allow us to bear more than we can handle). But if we keep moving and keep walking our ordered steps, we get closer to our destination. Sometimes on our path, we may be in the valley (on the ground), but keep walking and you will come upon a mountain that you can climb to get back on the path that God intended you to be. While you are climbing the mountain, and just as the squirrel, your grip of faith keeps you attached and mobile as you go upward. Before you know it, you are back on the path of moving forward and without hesitation to your predestined place.

So, use your faith of a squirrel to keep moving whether in the valley or on top of the rooted tree knowing that GOD has you in His vision and your steps are ordered. Your destination is promised.

Scripture References

6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

11 You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

23 The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him

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Squirrel-like faith is amazing! Sometimes, I think they may have chosen to take a chance with the wrong limb, but they don't hesitate to keep it moving. They show great "Godfidence" from limb to limb. We all would benefit if we had squirrel-like faith, knowing God's got us no matter what!

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